We Support Those Protecting Our Communities!
We know serving can be a daunting task, especially during these wacky last couple years. We have all felt a tremendous impact on our lives, whether financially or mentally. To help our service members during these difficult times we are providing a continuous discount off all products. This discount is valid as long as you are actively serving, and, or are a member of our hive.
To claim and activate your discount we must first verify your eligibility. You must be a veteran or active service member which includes the following.

Veterans & Active Duty
All service members from the military to your local fire department receive a continuous 25% off everything.
We appreciate your loyal service keeping our country and communities safe!

Health Care Workers
Lately things have been a little crazier than normal, so we are providing all nurses, doctors, dentists, etc. 25% off everything.
Thank you for the day-to-day things you do for all of us:)

Actively Enrolled Students
We know that times can be rough while investing most your resources into school, so we offer all active students, of legal age, 25% off everything.
We hope this can help alleviate a bit of stress for you:)
(if there is a service not mentioned you are curious about please ask)
Complete the form below so we can get you verified!
Information collected here is kept for the sole purpose of verifying your identity. We do not share or sell this information with anyone. Your discount will be valid one year from the date of activation, after-which we will need to reverify your status. We will notify you by email when that time comes. We are excited to have you as a part of our hive!